


PELNI Returns to Open Ticket Purchase Channels

PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to welcome the peak season moments of Christmas and New Year 2021 (Nataru) by re-opening the PELNI ship ticket sales channel through the mobile application and website on the 25th of November 2020


Operating 26 Ships, PELNI Projects to Transport 300 Thousand Passengers in the 4th Quarter

The company projects that in the fourth quarter of 2020, the ship can carry up to 343,472 customers.


Celebrate The fifth Year, PT PELNI's Sea Highway Cargo Keeps Growing Consistently

PELNI has distributed sea toll cargo totaling 22,497 TEUs


PELNI Transports More Than 19 Thousands Passengers During Long Holiday

PT PELNI (Persero) has served 19,224 passengers who traveled during the period of joint leave and the national holiday of the Prophet Muhammad.


Long Holiday, PELNI Operates All Passenger Ships

A total of 26 passenger ships are ready to serve customers who wish to travel by sea on joint leave and national holidays of the Prophet Muhammad's.


Demand Rises, PELNI Add One Sea Toll Vessel to Morotai

As of the fourth quarter of 2020, KM Logistik Nusantara 6 owned by PT PELNI (Persero) will serve Morotai Island as an addiional route


Passengers Increases in the Third Quarter, PELNI Operates 23 Ships

Passengers of PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) in the middle of the third quarter of 2020 recorded an increase of 314% compared to the previous quarter.


PELNI Provides CSR Assistance for PELNI Hospital

PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) once again distributed several CSR assistance to medical personnel at PELNI Hospital.


Appreciated by the NTSC, PELNI continues to improve the COVID-19 Health Protocols

PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) received a visit from the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) that wanted to see the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocols in the Company's environment.