


Optimally Serving Lebaran Transportation, PELNI Receives Award from the Government

PELNI has operated a fleet of 26 passenger ships and 44 pioneer ships to serve the homecoming flow from April 17 to May 2 2022 and the return period.


PELNI Collaborates with PELINDO and Perum DAMRI

The purpose of this collaboration is to provide transportation modes to and from passenger terminals in a number of port cities that PELNI ships pass through


Government Assigns PELNI to Add Ships to Pangkep Area, South Sulawesi

The purpose of this addition is to serve the community and grow the economic sector in the archipelago, especially in the 3TP area


KM Ciremai "Cikar Kanan" Serves Lampung Backflow - Cilegon

KM Ciremai is a multi-functional ship owned by PELNI because it can transport passengers, vehicles, and goods.


Quota Still Available, PELNI Invites Motorcycle Homecomers to Join PELNI Ships on the Back

PELNI dispatched KM Dobonsolo and KM Ciremai to serve the return route of Surabaya - Semarang - Jakarta.


PELNI Served 473 Thousand Customers in Lebaran 2022

The company expresses its gratitude for the trust of customers who have used PELNI ship services as homecoming transportation in 2022.


Homecoming for Motorcycles is Over, Two PELNI Ships Return to Served Regular Routes

PT PELNI (Persero) will immediately re-operate KM Dobonsolo and KM Ciremai to serve their regular routes after successfully carrying out the task of Returning and Returning Motorcycles in 2022.


On 70th Anniversary, PELNI Departs Bus Homecomers to Seven Cities

This homecoming program is a form of the Company's commitment at the age of 70 to the safety of PELNI Group employees and the community in carrying out Eid homecoming in 2022.


KM Ciremai Inter-Departure Transportation Minister who Brings Free Motorcycle Homecomers

The departure of KM Ciremai was attended by the Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi accompanied by the President Director of PT PELNI (Persero) Tri Andayani and the PELNI board of directors