
PT PELNI (Persero)


MoU PELNI and Indonesian Navy

Main Director of PT PELNI (Persero) Tri Andayani and Head of Personnel Assistant for KASAL Rear Admiral TNI P. Rahmad Wahyudi signed a Cooperation Agreement between PT PELNI (Persero) and the Indonesian Navy

Hi PELNI People,

Main Director of PT PELNI (Persero) Tri Andayani and Head of Personnel Assistant for KASAL Rear Admiral TNI P. Rahmad Wahyudi signed a Cooperation Agreement between PT PELNI (Persero) and the Indonesian Navy which took place on KM Kelud which was docked at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta, Friday (9/6). The event was also attended by Director of Human Resources and General Affairs Rainoc and Director of Passenger Transportation Business Yahya Kuncoro

This signing continues the cooperation between the two parties that has existed for a long time, especially in the implementation of security on board ships on busy routes and operational activities during embarkation during the peak season.

The assignment of Indonesian Navy personnel is expected to be able to assist PT PELNI in preventing anarchic, illegal and criminal acts that disrupt the implementation of security and order on ships and ports.


Other News


CFO BUMN Award 2019

CFO BUMN Award 2019


This is Test Title for Press Release EN

PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) EN


Top GRC 2019

Pengakuan Atas Tata Kelola Perusahaan


PELNI Launch Pinisi

Layani Wisata Keliling Kepulauan Komodo


This is Test Title for Event EN

This is test intro for Event EN


free baggage up to 50kg increase 42 persen passengers

Upaya pemberian free bagasi hingga 50 kg tanpa dipungut biaya yang dilakukan PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) - PELNI memberikan dampak positif bagi kinerja perusahaan.


Against COVID-19, PELNI Gives Masks and Antiseptics in North Jakarta

Aid Mask and Handsanitizer Prevent COVID-19


PELNI Release Artificial Coral Reef Structure Under the Banyuwangi Sea

The structure of Domus Coronarius Circularis is a collaboration between PT PELNI and the Reef Foundation


Coordination Meeting agenda with BPH Migas

Coordination Meeting agenda with BPH Migas Regarding Evaluation of PT PELNI (Persero) JBT Solar Oil Consumption Semester I Year 2023 in Bandung, Friday (21/7).


PELNI Wins Social Economy Contribution at BUMN Award 2020

PT PELNI won the Gold Winner in the Social Economy Contribution category at the 2020 RRI Iconomics BUMN Brand Award "Millenials Choice"


PELNI Wins Gold Winner in the 2020 Spotlight Awards Global Communications Competition

PT PELNI (Persero) won the Gold Winner and Top 100 Worldwide titles in the Corporate Publishing Competition and Global Communications Competition categories


First in 2021, PELNI holds a Virtual Tour on Board to KM Kelud

PT PELNI has held five virtual tours on Board since 2020


Ship Passenger Handling Protocol PELNI (PERSERO) During the Pandemic Period COVID19

Prospective Service Governance


Signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Waste Management Collaboration in Jakarta, Friday (14/7).


KM Sabuk Nusantara 66 Received Award from the Ministry of Transportation

KM Sabuk Nusantara 66, one of the pioneer ships operated by PT PELNI (Persero) has received an award from the Ministry of Transportation


Consecutively, PELNI Wins Gold Rank in the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2020 Event

PT PELNI's commitment to implementing and developing environmental, social and economic pillars


Enthusiastic! 80 Children Join a Virtual Drawing Contest with PT PELNI

Virtual tour on board has been a program by PELNI Lifestyle since 2020


PELNI Distributes Thousands of Masks with the North Jakarta SOE COVID-19 Task Force

PT PELNI (Persero) along with other State-Owned Enterprises that are members of the Jakarta COVID-19 SOE Task Force distributed a total of 25,000 cloth masks


PELNI Presents Recycling House in Sulawesi Tenggara

RKS Kampung PELNI Baubau is the third RKS program initiated by PT PELNI in collaboration with the GMC Foundation which also participated in the two previous RKS programs



Total prize: Hundreds of Million Rupiah


Strengthening Fundamentals and Company Transformation Towards Sustainable Growth

PELNI held a 2022 "Rapat Pimpinan" on August 3 - 5 2022 at the Ayana MidPlaza Hotel, Jakarta which was opened by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi with the President Commissioner and President Director of PT PELNI (Persero)


ASEAN Risk Awards 2022

PELNI again received an award in the Risk Technology & Public Initiative category at the 2022 ASEAN Risk Awards with the theme "The Age of Resilience" in Bali, Thursday (08/12).


Commemorating National Customer Day 2022

PT PELNI celebrates with passengers of KM Gunung Dempo route Surabaya-Makassar


Releasing the Departure of the 2022 Indonesian Business Port Exploration Team

The Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi was accompanied by the Director of PT PELNI's Sea Toll and Goods Transportation Business, Yossianis Marciano and other port stakeholders.


SOE Logistics Cluster GMS with the Ministry of SOEs

The entire Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT PELNI (Persero) and their subsidiaries attended the General Meeting of Shareholders


Cooperation Agreement between PELNI and DAMRI

Cooperation Agreement related to Intermodal Ticket Sales and Provision of Transportation Services at PT PELNI (Persero) Head Office, Wednesday (8/2).


Optimally Serving Lebaran Transportation, PELNI Receives Award from the Government

PELNI has operated a fleet of 26 passenger ships and 44 pioneer ships to serve the homecoming flow from April 17 to May 2 2022 and the return period.


A medical examination of 100 employees of PT PELNI has been carried out

As a step by the Company to continue to maintain the health of its employees, a medical examination of 100 employees of PT PELNI has been carried out at the Auditorium of the PT PELNI Head Office, Wednesday (17/9).


KM Logistik Nusantara 4 belonging to PT PELNI transported the first cargo from Patimban Po

KM Logistik Nusantara 4 belonging to PT PELNI transported the first cargo from Patimban Port, Subang, West Java, Wednesday (14/9) to be unloaded at Kijang, Riau Islands.


PELNI Wins 2022 KIP Award

PELNI managed to get the title as an Informative Public Agency from the Indonesian Central Information Commission with the 6th rank out of 19 SOEs that received a similar title


Ecosystem Conservation-Based Economic Empowerment Program by TJSL

TJSL PELNI together with the Kabuan Dana Rasa Foundation run an Ecosystem Conservation-Based Economic Empowerment Program by planting Candlenut Trees and building a PELNI Markaz


Christmas social action PELNI & KBUMN

PELNI together with Pegadaian and Pelindo were appointed to be in charge of the Ambon Regional Christmas 2022 Social Action Activities by the Ministry of BUMN


Monitoring Nataru 2023 Services KM Dobonsolo at Ambon

Monitoring is carried out to see and ensure the services provided are always in prime and best condition.


PELNI Wins TOP Digital Awards 2022

The award was received by Plt. PT PELNI Information Technology Vice President Bagus Navyan Putra and PT PELNI Information Technology Planning & Governance Manager Angga Krisosa in Jakarta, Thursday (15/12).


DJA Ministry of Finance RI held a Leadership Meeting on the KM Kelud

Director of Passenger Transportation of PT PELNI Yahya Kuncoro welcomed the arrival of the Ministry of Finance's DJA group at the Tanjung Priok Port Pier, Friday (14/10).


K3 Management System Certification Audit PT PELNI (Persero)

Director of HR & General Affairs Rainoc inaugurated and opened the K3 Management System Certification Audit (SMK3) PT PELNI (Persero) in Jakarta, Wednesday (19/10).


ANTIMO 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner & Memorandum of Understanding

President Director of PT PELNI Tri Andayani and Director of Human Resources & General Affairs of PT PELNI Rainoc attended the Gala Dinner for the 50th Anniversary of ANTIMO, Jakarta (19/10).


Inauguration of the New Room of the DPP SP PELNI

The Series of Events for the Inauguration of the New Room of the DPP SP PELNI were marked by the Signing of the Inscription, Cutting the Tumpeng, Cutting the Ribbon and Gathering with All Employees of the PELNI Head Office in Jakarta, Friday (9/12).



President Director of PT PELNI Tri Andayani became a guest speaker at the Ministry of BUMN activities, namely the 37th BUMN NGOPI with the theme "Nataru Opportunities for Increasing BUMN Tourism Business" in Jakarta, Monday (12/12).


Monitoring KM Bukit Raya at Surabaya

This monitoring is carried out to ensure the comfort, safety and safety of passengers during the Peak Season Christmas 2022 & New Year 2023.


Monitoring KM Bukit Siguntang at Balikpapan

Director of Traffic & Sea Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Transportation Capt. Hendri Ginting together with PT PELNI's Sea Toll & Goods Transport Business Director, Yossianis Marciano, conducted a Monitoring of the 2022


Monitoring Nataru 2023 Services KM Lambelu at Pare-Pare

Monitoring is carried out to see and ensure that the services provided are always in prime and best condition.


Bisnis Indonesia Logistik Awards 2022

PT PELNI (Persero) received an appreciation from Bisnis Indonesia for the Company's commitment in carrying out the assignment of the marine highway program


The 2022 BUMN Millenial Event

The 2022 BUMN Millenial Event held by PELNI at KM Sinabung, 8-10 November 2022, was attended by around 150 Millennial representatives from 63 BUMN companies with the Makassar - Surabaya Shipping Route.


Hearing with the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia

The Board of Directors of PT PELNI (Persero) held a follow-up hearing with the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Karya Sumadi in Jakarta, Thursday (3/11)


PELNI Surya Shipyard has successfully maintained three quality management certifications

PELNI Surya Shipyard, a strategic business unit of PT PELNI (Persero) has successfully maintained three quality management certifications issued by Sucofindo International Certification Services.


PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) signed a MoU

PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Utilization of Islamic Banking Services and Products at the Head Office of Bank Syariah Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday (3/11).


The Board of Directors of PT PELNI (Persero) held an Audience with Member of the Indonesia

The Board of Directors of PT PELNI (Persero) held an Audience with Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Rachmad Gobel at the Nusantara 3 Building of the Indonesian Parliament, Jakarta.


Memorandum of Understanding between PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik

PT PELNI (Persero) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik regarding Logistics Transportation Synergy. at the Head Office of PT PELNI.


Workshop Pre Assesment GCG 2022

Plt. Director of Finance & Risk Management Rainoc opened the 2022 GCG Pre-Assessment Workshop. The event was attended by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) team at the Bahtera PELNI Hotel in Bogor, Friday (18/11).


PT PELNI (Persero)'s Pre-RKAP Technical Meeting with the Ministry of SOEs

In this technical meeting, the presentation of PT PELNI (Persero)'s 2023 RKAP was discussed


Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT) 2022

PT PELNI (Persero) again won an award at the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT) 2022 event which was held at the Westin Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (24/11).


PELNI MoU with Ministry of Transportation & Tidore City Government

The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, the Tidore Islands City Government and PT PELNI (Persero), signed an agreement for the Implementation of KM Tatamailau as a Floating Accommodation at Goto Harbor, Tidore, Thursday (24/11).


MoU PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Cardig Express Nusantara

PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Cardig Express Nusantara signed the *Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Integrated Logistics Services* at the Cardig Tower, Jakarta, Monday (28/11).


BUMN Logistics Cluster

The BUMN Logistics Cluster held its 5th meeting on KM Kelud which was currently docked at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta, Friday (25/11).


Gatra Awards 2022

PELNI as a shipping and logistics company received an award in the Logistics and Transportation Category


PELNI enters into MoU with Samudera Indonesia

PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Samudera Indonesia Tangguh agreed to cooperate in the logistics sector.


Monitoring and bunkering of KM Labobar in Surabaya

This joint bunkering monitoring is carried out to see and ensure that the services provided are always in prime condition



New Custom Health Procedures for PT. PELNI


Monitoring KM Binaiya & KM Sinabung at Makassar

PT PELNI Director of Fleet and Engineering Robert MP Sinaga conducted Nataru Service Monitoring at KM Binaiya and KM Sinabung which departed from Makassar Port, Thursday (22/12).


Leadership Meeting PT PELNI (Persero)

President Director of PT PELNI (Persero) Tri Andayani officially closed the Leadership Meeting which still raised the theme Achieve Greater And Change For Sustainability in Kuta, Bali, Thursday (17/2).


Hearing with the Minister of VAT

The Main Commissioner and the entire PT PELNI (Persero) Board of Directors held an audience with the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa


PT PELNI (Persero) received an award at the 2023 HSE Indonesia Award

PT PELNI (Persero) received 2 awards simultaneously in the Transportation Services category at the 2023 HSE Indonesia Award which took place at the Bidakara Hotel, Friday (17/6).


Forum Group Discussion (FGD) PELNI & Anggota VII BPK RI

PT PELNI (Persero) together with Member VII BPK RI carried out a Forum Group Discussion (FGD)


Memorandum of Understanding with UGM

PT PELNI (Persero) President Director Tri Andayani and the Chancellor of Gadjah Mada University signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Education, Research and Community Service


Garbage Management House CSR PELNI at Bali

PT PELNI (Persero) launched the fourth Garbage Management House (RKS) through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program in Denpasar, Bali.


PT PELNI (Persero) Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Assessment Entry Meeting

The main agenda for this activity was the Presentation of the 2022 GCG Assessment and the socialization of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in 2023 directly by Mr. Roy CAA Yiurnalista as the coordinator of the state accountant field.


Handover of Position of Captain KM Lawit

Handover of Position of Captain KM Lawit from Capt. Herman to Capt. Jahrodin at Tanjung Priok Harbor, Friday (24/2).


Penandatanganan Terpadu PELNI and Kemenhub RI

The Signing of an Integrated Sea Transportation Subsidy Cooperation Agreement for Pioneer Ships, Sea Highway, Livestock Special Transport, and Rede Transport for the 2023 Fiscal Year


Signing of Joint Cooperation Agreement with PT Asuransi Jasaraharja

PT PELNI (Persero) Director of Passenger Transport Yahya Kuncoro together with the Marketing Director of PT Asuransi Jasaraharja Putera Imam Hendrawan signed a Cooperation Agreement


Knowledge Sharing event on SOE Minister

Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT PELNI (Persero), Ms. Anik Hidayati attended the Knowledge Sharing event on SOE Minister Regulation Number: PER-5/MBU/09/2022 Concerning the Implementation of Risk Management in SOEs in Jakarta (21/2).


Coordination Meeting PT PELNI (Persero) & BPH MIGAS

PT PELNI (Persero) & BPH MIGAS held a Coordination Meeting regarding the Discussion of the Use of Certain Types of B35 Fuel in the Right Quantity and Quality in PT PELNI (Persero) Ship Operations


Caraka Maritim Magazine

The CAMAR tabloid or Caraka Maritim is now available in digital form!


KM Bukit Raya carrying PELNI Group aid arrived at Serasan Harbor

KM Bukit Raya carrying PELNI Group aid arrived at Serasan Harbor, Sunday (13/3).


New Normal Life Health Protocol for PT PELNI Partner's

PELNI New Custom Health Procedure


Handover of the Position of Captain KM Egon

KM Egon onboard KM Egon who was docked at the Port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, Saturday (4/3).


Hand over the position of captain of KM Kelimutu

Head of PT PELNI (Persero) Surabaya Branch Haeru Rijal witnessed first hand the Handover of the Position of KM Kelimutu Captain at Tanjung Perak Harbor in Surabaya, Thursday (2/3).


Olimpiade BAPORSOSBUD PT PELNI (Persero)

Marking the start of PT PELNI (Persero)'s 71st anniversary series, the long-awaited BAPORSOSBUD Olympiad is back.


KM Sangiang and KM Tilongkabila have carried out the Handover procession for the Master's

KM Sangiang and KM Tilongkabila have carried out the Handover procession for the Master's Position solemnly.


PT PELNI (Persero) received the Indonesia Industry 4.0 Certificate (INDI)

PT PELNI (Persero) received the Indonesia Industry 4.0 Certificate (INDI) with a value of 2.54 level 3 at the Grand Launching of PIDI 4.0


PELNI Group Sends Aid in Serasan

PELNI Group sent relief goods to victims of floods and landslides in Serasan District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands.


PT PELNI (Persero) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with 23 Shipping Schools

Cooperation in the Seafarer Competency Improvement Program on KM Kelud


Inauguration of Merial Tower RS PELNI

Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT PELNI (Persero) Rainoc accompanied by Vice President of HR of PT PELNI (Persero) Gatot Wibisono



New Customary Health Procedure for Stakeholders PT. PELNI



Is a provider of goods and services of PT PELNI as defined in the Procurement Guidelines


PELNI Directors Audience with KASAL TNI Admiral Muhammad Ali

The Board of Directors of PT PELNI (Persero) held an audience with the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, Admiral TNI Muhammad Ali, at Wisma Elang Laut, Jakarta, Tuesday (13/6).


Consignment Consignment

The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation's PSO & Subsidies Consignment Consignment with PT PELNI (Persero)


PELNI Adjusts Ship Rates According to Regulations PM 7 and PM 8 of 2023

In order to inform PM 7's policies regarding Passenger Tariffs and Mining Fees for Pioneer Sea Transportation and PM 8 regarding the Upper Limit Tariffs for Economy Class Domestic Sea Passengers in 2023


Eid al-Adha Year 2023

PT PELNI (Persero)'s Islamic Spiritual Agency or BAKIS carried out the "Eid al-Adha Year 2023" Hybrid Slaughter at the PT PELNI (Persero) Head Office, Jakarta, Sunday (2/7).


Starting Now! PELNI Journalist Competition 2024

Open to all national and regional journalists, lecturers and students


PELNI CEO and Rene Suhardono Share Experiences Enlivening the 4th AKHLAK Celebration

In order to commemorate and celebrate "Four Years of AKHLAK as the Core Values ​​of BUMN HR", PELNI invited PELNI President Director Tri Andayani and writer and public speaker Rene Suhardono


PELNI CEO and Rene Suhardono Share Experiences Enlivening the 4th AKHLAK Celebration

In order to commemorate and celebrate "Four Years of AKHLAK as the Core Values ​​of BUMN HR", PELNI invited PELNI President Director Tri Andayani and writer and public speaker Rene Suhardono


Holding a National Talkshow, PELNI Reveals Challenges and Opportunities for Sea Transporta

PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) held a national talkshow entitled "PELNI's Opportunities and Challenges: Answering Customer Needs and Wants in the Social Media Era".


Celebrating National Transportation Day, PELNI Distributes Scholarships

PT PELNI (Persero) has distributed scholarship funds for outstanding students from Surabaya Polytechnic of Shipping.


Boarding KM Labobar, 315 Participants of Fun Homecoming with BUMN Depart from Balikpapan

PT PELNI (Persero) departed 315 participants of the Fun Homecoming Program with BUMN 2024 from Balikpapan to Surabaya.


KM Dobonsolo Transports Second Wave of Free Homecoming for Motorcycles

PT PELNI (Persero) has again dispatched KM Dobonsolo for Free Homecoming for Motorcycles by Ship.


PELNI Establishes Cooperation with Meratus Line

PELNI Signs Cooperation Agreement with PT Meratus Line


PELNI Establishes Cooperation with Meratus Line

PELNI Signs Cooperation Agreement with PT Meratus Line


High Demand, Sumenep Regency Government's Free Homecoming Transported by Additional Ships

Considering the limited capacity of KM Sabuk Nusantara 92 which will transport free homecoming travelers, the Sumenep Regency Government responded by providing additional free homecoming transportation.


First Wave of Free Motorcycle Homecoming Travelers Released by Indonesian Minister

PT PELNI (Persero) transported 2,037 motorcycle travelers and 876 motorcycles on the PELNI ship KM Dobonsolo from Jakarta to Semarang


Up to D-1 of Eid, Almost 400 Thousand PELNI Ship Tickets Sold

PT PELNI (Persero) has recorded that it has sold 399,806 tickets up to D-1 of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H/2024


PELNI Ships Serve 304 Thousand Passengers During Homecoming Period

PT PELNI (Persero) has served 304,160 passengers during the homecoming period of PELNI ships which took place from March 26 to April 11, 2024.


NEWS! KM Dorolonda Stops in Jailolo City, North Maluku

KM Dorolonda Voyage 18.2024 departing Tg. Priok on September 21, 2024, stops at Jailolo Port according to its regular route.


We Are Hiring! Pengawas Madya ISM dan ISPS Code

PELNI is once again opening up opportunities for you to pursue a career as an ISM and ISPS Code Middle Supervisor.


We Are Hiring! Pengawas Madya ISM dan ISPS Code

PELNI is once again opening up opportunities for you to pursue a career as an ISM and ISPS Code Middle Supervisor.


Passenger Service Standards

PELNI is committed to always providing excellent service in accordance with Company Standards.


Create a Zero Accident & Zero Occupational Diseases Work Environment

PELNI is always committed to Increasing Ship Crew Safety Awareness in realizing Zero Accident & Zero Occupational Diseases.


Create a Zero Accident & Zero Occupational Diseases Work Environment

PELNI is always committed to Increasing Ship Crew Safety Awareness in realizing Zero Accident & Zero Occupational Diseases.


First Batch of Free Motorcycle Return Flow from the Ministry of Transportation Arrives

The first wave of return flow in the 2024 Free Motorcycle Homecoming Program by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation with KM Dobonsolo owned by PT PELNI (Persero) on the Semarang - Jakarta route has arrived at Tanjung Priok Port.


Free Motorcycle Return Flow to Jakarta is Waiting at Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang

The second wave of return flow in the 2024 Free Motorcycle Homecoming Program with KM Dobonsolo owned by PT PELNI (Persero) on the Semarang - Jakarta route will depart from Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang.