Jakarta, April 1, 2021 - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) as a maritime shipping and logistics company, appreciates the implementation of the Joint Vaccination Center initiated by the Ministry of BUMN. A total of 995 employees of PT PELNI Group have received the first phase of the vaccine at the Joint Vaccination Center, Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (31/3).
Acting. The Head of PELNI Company Secretariat Opik Taupik said that the employees who received the vaccine yesterday consisted of employees of PT PELNI, employees of PT SBN and PT PIDC as subsidiaries, ship crews, and the Tanjung Priok branch office. "Until now, 1,188 employees have received the vaccine, out of a total of 4,912 PELNI employees spread across 46 branch offices and ships."
Opik Taupik continued, management pays attention to the number of employees and crew on the ship who are at the forefront of services. "The number of crew members who have received the vaccine is 236 out of a total of 3,809 crew members, while for field officers at branch offices, 192 employees have been vaccinated out of 465 people. We hope that this number can continue to increase considering that ship crews and field officers often interact with passengers. "he explained.
Apart from the Tanjung Priok Branch, branch offices that have already received their vaccines include the Balikpapan, Manokwari, FakFak, Merauke, Palu, Biak, Jayapura, Bima, Pontianak and Tanjung Pinang branches. Meanwhile for ship crews who have been vaccinated come from KM Kelud, KM Lambelu, KM Umsini, KM Belt Nusantara 94 and KM Belt Nusantara 63. "Vaccination reception for ship crews is in addition to collaborating with the Ministry of BUMN, also collaborating with the Ministry of Transportation and KKP at the port. PELNI ship stopped by. Of course the receipt of this vaccine will provide a sense of security and comfort for our employees and all our partners, including passengers, "added Opik Taupik.
For information, in order to create herd immunity, the government is currently implementing a Covid-19 vaccination program targeting public services and the elderly (elderly). Until now, the vaccination process for public servants and elderly groups is being carried out in Jakarta (Istora Senayan and Senayan Indoor Tennis), PRPP Semarang, Banyumas, and Surabaya.
PELNI as a State-Owned Enterprise which is engaged in sea transportation has operated 26 passenger ships and stopped at 76 ports and served 1,058 segments.
Apart from passenger transportation, PELNI also serves 45 pioneer ship routes which are a means of accessibility for population mobility in the 3TP area where pioneer ships stop at 285 ports with 3,811 sections. PELNI also operates 16 Rede ships. Meanwhile, in logistics business services, PELNI now operates 9 sea highway routes and 1 special route for livestock transportation.
PELNI is committed to continuing to maximize services, passenger ships are optimized for logistics transportation throughout Indonesia, especially to meet the needs of communities approaching the Holy Month of Ramadan 1441 AH and Eid al-Fitr in 2020.
PELNI Berbagi Pangan Murah Kepada Penumpang Kapal di Semarang
Aid was handed over symbolically by the President Director of PT PELNI (Persero), Insan Purwarisya L Tobing to participants who received benefits and witnessed by North Petojo Village Chief, Indarto at the Head Office of PT PELNI (Persero)
PELNI Resmikan Rumah Kelola Sampah di Batu Licin, Kalimantan Selatan
PLN-PELNI Signed MOU for Logistics Transportation
Dalam rangka menyongsong ulang tahun yang ke-21, Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan HUT ke-67 PT. Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) - PELNI, Kementerian BUMN kembali melakukan kegiatan bersama masyarakat di berbagai daerah di Indonesia.
PT PELNI (Persero), officially signed an integrated cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for the implementation of pioneering voyages and the Public Service Obligation (PSO) for economy-class
The policy has been socialized since Friday (9/4) and takes effect from 12 April 2020.
PELNI has distributed sea toll cargo totaling 22,497 TEUs
As of mid-July, the cargo of cattle on ships operated by PELNI reached 2,968.
PT PELNI (Persero) took part in the Joint Post of SOEs to help deal with flooding in the Greater Jakarta area.
The commitment of PT PELNI (Persero) in developing strong human resources
PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to operate KM Logistik Nusantara (Lognus) 6 which will be used specifically to carry cargo on the sea highway program.
Management would like to thank Danang Parikesit and Lotto Srinaita Ginting for their contribution to the Company
PELNI recorded an increase in the volume of container cargo transported by cargo ships during Semester 1 of 2020 to almost 300 percent over the same period from the previous year.
PELNI is always ready to be a part of the caring action led by BUMN Foundation for Indonesia
KM Egon transported 691 coli of relief items for disaster victims in South Kalimantan and West Sulawesi
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) continues to maximize the operations of passenger ships and pioneer ships during the Idul Adha 1441 H / 2020 period, falls on Friday (31/7).
With its routes entering big cities and 3TP areas (underdeveloped, remote, outermost, and border), PELNI ships are very likely to take the role of distributing the COVID-19 vaccine.
Sea Highway Payload has increased by 13 percent since the Nataru period began compared to 2019 in the same period
Welcoming Christmas 2020 and New Year 2021, PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to fully operate all passenger ships owned by still paying attention to health protocols during the voyage
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) received a visit from the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) that wanted to see the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocols in the Company's environment.
The examination results showed that there were 3 passengers from Jakarta indicated that Covid-19 and 19 crew members were indicated to be exposed to Covid-19 without symptoms (OTG).
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) plans to collaborate with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to help expand the distribution of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) products.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) aggressively strengthening its logistics business through the My Cargoo application.
PT PELNI upholds integrity and transparent in accepting prospective employees
As the success in carrying out the assignment of the Tol Laut Program and livestock ships, PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) received an appreciation from the Ministry of Transportation.
Penerapan protokol kesehatan yang ketat terutama mewajibkan Rapid Test Antibodi menjadi poin penting bagi para penumpang kapal PELNI
PT PELNI (Persero) has recorded Makassar Port as the busiest port in the PELNI network throughout 2024, with a total of 399,028 passengers.
Aid was handed over symbolically by Eddy Susanto Soepadmo
PELNI Group provide bus fleet facilities as shuttle transportation for medical personnel who work at PELNI Hospital, Jakarta.
PT PELNI is always committed to serving the public, especially the 3TP area
A total of 26 passenger ships are ready to serve customers who wish to travel by sea on joint leave and national holidays of the Prophet Muhammad's.
PT PELNI (Persero) is prepared to serve passengers and holiday travelers during the Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 holiday period.
Penggunaan Rapid Test Antibodi masih menjadi salah satu syarat utama bagi calon penumpang kapal PELNI
PT PELNI (Persero) was assigned by the Ministry of Transportation to continue the management of KM Camar Nusantara I as one of the special cattle ships that operated by the Company.
The company is consistent in implementing health protocols according to the rules of the Covid-19 Task Force Number 12 of 2021 and the SE Ministry of Transportation Number 25 of 2021.
PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to welcome the peak season moments of Christmas and New Year 2021 (Nataru) by re-opening the PELNI ship ticket sales channel through the mobile application and website on the 25th of November 2020
After showing negative results for two consecutive swab checks.
PT PELNI (Persero) continues to maximize the operational implementation of sea toll vessels to ensure the distribution and availability of staple goods and other important items in Indonesia.
The 68th anniversary of the anniversary, PELNI carried the theme 'Building Connectivity'.
PT PELNI (Persero) held IVA screenings and conducted outreach on stunting and tuberculosis (TBC) in Krembangan District, Surabaya.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) once again distributed several CSR assistance to medical personnel at PELNI Hospital.
Mengantisipasi besarnya jumlah penumpang pada Nataru, PT PELNI menyesuaikan kebijakan pemerintah terhadap protokol kesehatan diatas kapal
PT PELNI (Persero) has required all prospective passengers who will travel on PELNI ships to include COVID -Health certificates free -19 issued by hospitals
KM Umsini, which is currently temporarily suspended (portstay), will be used as an isolation location for a Covid-19 patients (OTG) until they healed
PT PELNI continues to remind prospective passengers to complete travel requirements in the form of vaccine certificates and other travel requirements.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) won two awards in the categories "Top CSR Awards 2020 # Star 4" and "Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2020"
As of the fourth quarter of 2020, KM Logistik Nusantara 6 owned by PT PELNI (Persero) will serve Morotai Island as an addiional route
PT PELNI fully supports the implementation of GeNose C19 on PELNI vessels
The company received an award in the category of business institutions that are active and consistent in disaster management in Indonesia
The ban has been set from 24 April 2020 to 8 June 2020.
PT PELNI (Persero) has served 19,224 passengers who traveled during the period of joint leave and the national holiday of the Prophet Muhammad.
PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to reopen operational activities to transport passengers
PELNI welcomes the opening of port access in several regions in Indonesia.
Adanya peningkatan jumlah penumpang saat Nataru menjadi perhatian utama PELNI untuk meingkatkan layanan dan tetap sesuai protokol kesehatan
PT PELNI (Persero) again serves the sale of boat tickets online during the tightening period after the Idul Fitri 1442 H homecoming. This online service will reopen on May 18, 2021 through the Company's official website and PELNI Mobile Apps
The company projects that in the fourth quarter of 2020, the ship can carry up to 343,472 customers.
The Minister of Transportation appreciated the compliance and services of the Company and other port stakeholders in implementing the homecoming elimination period this year.
In accordance with Addendum SE Kasatgas Number 13 of 2021, the post-homecoming period which originally ended on May 24, 2021 was extended to May 31, 2021.
Based on data shows that the PELNI sea toll vessel cargo has increased.
PELNI fully supports the Government's vaccination program
The company is committed to continuing to provide convenience. Passengers no longer have to go to the branch office to exchange tickets but can now print directly on the day of departure at the port
Cashless payments are applied to provide convenience, safety and convenience for customers
PT PELNI (Persero) as a maritime shipping and logistics company provides two fleets of passenger ships, KM Awu and KM Egon, to transport humanitarian aid for victims of natural disasters in the East Nusa Tenggara
PT PELNI (Persero) carried 5,388 passengers on the first day of travel tightening after the elimination of the Eid homecoming in 2021. 3,966 passengers traveled by passenger ships and 1,422 passengers on pioneer ships.
GeNose C19 is present on all 26 PELNI passenger ships to ensure the health condition of all crew members and passengers during the voyage.
Of the 26 passenger ships, PELNI ships will continue to navigate their regular routes, while 13 PELNI ships will receive route adjustments.
A total of 56 containers of superior rice commodities from Merauke were transported to the Papua and West Papua regions
KM Umsini is ready to become a floating isolation place for 785 OTG Covid-19 patients
KM Bukit Raya is the third PELNI ship to be operated as centralized isolation after previously KM Tatamailau was officially operated in Bitung City.
The company ensures the operational readiness of the ship for the smooth transportation of Nataru 2021/2022
PT PELNI (Persero) again urges all travelers with PELNI ships to complete travel requirements documents and comply with health protocols during the voyage.
The management has taken the necessary actions and emphasized that the Company in carrying out its business is guided by the values of Pancasila
Application of GeNose C19 as an alternative departure requirement for PELNI vessels. This policy will take effect starting April 1, 2021 in accordance with SE of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Number 12 of 2021 concerning Domestic Travel Provisions.
KM Gandha Nusantara 14 carried 1,800 basic food packages and 2 boxes of masks, which were assistance from Indonesian President Joko Widodo
Entering the Holy Month of Ramadan 1442 H, PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to hold a series of Ramadan activities with the theme Ramadan Caring
PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to comply with stopping homecoming by temporarily suspending sea transportation for passengers from 6 to 17 May 2021.
PT PELNI (Persero) invites Regional Governments to maximize the return cargo of sea tolls, by utilizing superior commodities in each region
During the non-homecoming period of Idul Fitri 1442 H, 26 PELNI passenger ships will be converted to transport logistical cargoes, medicines and medical equipment, as well as other essential goods needed by the region
From January to May 2021, marine toll ships operated by PT PELNI have transported 3,759 TEUs, an increase of 70% compared to 2020 in the same period.
PELNI ticket sales are only through PELNI branch office counters and payments are only in cash (cashless).
PeduliLindung is an application owned by the Ministry of Health to assist the government in tracing and tracking to stop the spread of Covid-19
PT PELNI (Persero) experienced a production increase of up to 85 percent. This achievement cannot be separated from the potential route of KM Logistik Nusatara 5 (T-10 route) which provides the largest contribution.
This collaboration is the key and commitment for PT PELNI and PT POS Indonesia to continue to improve public services.
The number of PELNI ship customers in the fleet of passenger ships and pioneer ships in the first semester of 2021 recorded an increase of 3.2 percent
The Ministry of Transportation and PELNI and also a number of regional leaders signed an agreement to provide four PELNI ships as a centralized isolation area.
PT PELNI (Persero) deployed KM Tidar to transport humanitarian aid during the PPKM period from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and the Governor of Maluku
This is the Company's appreciation to customers who make PELNI ships the main transportation
The average load factor until August 2021 reached 88.56% for nine sea toll routes.
PT PELNI (Persero) cooperates with PT Skyreach, to procure a Ship Communication System (SisKomKap) for 26 PT PELNI (Persero) vessels in 2022-2025.
PELNI ensures the location of the isoter and facilities have been checked in accordance with the applicable prokes standards
PT PELNI (Persero) together with PT INKA (Persero) and Institut Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) signed a memorandum of understanding on the synergy of logistics facilities for state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and universities.
The purpose of this addition is to serve the community and grow the economic sector in the archipelago, especially in the 3TP area
The company expresses its gratitude for the trust of customers who have used PELNI ship services as homecoming transportation in 2022.
PT PELNI (Persero) will immediately re-operate KM Dobonsolo and KM Ciremai to serve their regular routes after successfully carrying out the task of Returning and Returning Motorcycles in 2022.
KM Ciremai is a multi-functional ship owned by PELNI because it can transport passengers, vehicles, and goods.
PELNI dispatched KM Dobonsolo and KM Ciremai to serve the return route of Surabaya - Semarang - Jakarta.
Taman Baca ini merupakan program Tanggung Jawab Sosial & Lingkungan (TJSL) PELNI yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat baca para pelajar khususnya di wilayah 3TP (Tertinggal, Terdepan, Terluar dan Perbatasan)
The departure of KM Ciremai was attended by the Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi accompanied by the President Director of PT PELNI (Persero) Tri Andayani and the PELNI board of directors
PT PELNI (Persero), Makassar Branch, is offering a total of 400 free tickets for routes to Maumere and Balikpapan.
This homecoming program is a form of the Company's commitment at the age of 70 to the safety of PELNI Group employees and the community in carrying out Eid homecoming in 2022.
The aim is to support the operational readiness of PELNI ships in the form of guarantees for the provision of dock space in carrying out ship repairs and maintenance in accordance with seaworthy requirements with the principle of mutual benefit.
KM Dobonsolo and KM Ciremai are capable of transporting up to 2,500 travelers and 1,250 motorbikes.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) has succeeded in exceeding the production target of the Sea Highway cargo in 2022.
Denpasar, 18 February 2023 - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) launched the fourth Garbage Management House (RKS) through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program in Denpasar, Bali.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) deployed two pilot ships to support religious activities in Serui City and Biak Numfor Regency.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) has once again shown concern for environmental sustainability in the City of Bima.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) officially launched a new logo along with a new tagline "We Connect, We Unify".
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) ensures that the Eid 2023 transportation service has run according to the Government's expectations.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) distributed 5000 food aid packages for residents of Karimunjawa Island
PT PELNI (Persero) announced that the peak of the 2024/2025 Nataru holiday travel season via PELNI ships is expected to occur today, with a recorded 23.875 passengers scheduled to travel.
PT PELNI (Persero) through one of its strategic business units, PELNI Agency, has once again earned the trust of the prominent French cruise operator, Ponant, to support the operations of the MV Paul Gauguin cruise ship in Indonesian waters.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) was recorded as transporting 431,008 customers during the Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 transportation periods from 11 December 2022 to 8 January 2023.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) adjusted the ship's schedule to speed up the evacuation of tourists who were trapped on Karimun Island, Java, Jepara, Central Java, due to bad weather
The management of PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) is intensively monitoring during the Christmas and New Year's or Nataru 2023 transportation period.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) has succeeded in obtaining the title of an Informative Public Agency from the Central Information Commission.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) is ready to serve Christmas and New Year 2023 transportation which has been calculated since December 11 2022 yesterday
PT PELNI (Persero) officially launched its turtle conservation program by releasing 100 hatchlings at Lambaro Beach, Pulo Aceh, Aceh Besar Regency, on Thursday (06/02).
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Samudera Indonesia Tangguh have agreed to cooperate in the logistics sector.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) and PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk are exploring opportunities for cooperation to strengthen the national logistics supply chain. The cooperation between the two will be tied through the signing of a Memora
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) transported 2.76 million customers until August 2022. This number experienced a 191 percent jump from the same period in 2021.
KM Logistik Nusantara 5 owned by PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI transported 20 containers of cooking oil from BUMN Holding Food ID FOOD
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) apologizes for the fire incident that occurred at KM Sabuk Nusantara 91 at Masalembu Port, Sumenep, East Java, Friday (16/9).
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) signed a memorandum of understanding with PT Angkasa Pura Logistik regarding the transportation of goods for airports and seaports.
PELNI has operated a fleet of 26 passenger ships and 44 pioneer ships to serve the homecoming flow from April 17 to May 2 2022 and the return period.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) is present for the people of the Mentawai Islands Regency through KM Belt Nusantara (Sanus) 6
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) transports the first cargo from Patimban Port, Subang, West Java, Wednesday (14/9).
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) ensures that KM Sabuk Nusantara 109 is ready to serve its regular routes in the Tahuna Islands and surrounding areas on Sunday, September 11, 2022 tomorrow
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) held an audience with a number of shipping companies from Surabaya at the JW Marriot Hotel, Surabaya, Friday (2/9). This meeting was held as part of the Company's way of celebrating National Customer Day which fal
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) inaugurated the PELNI Fisherman Village Program in Larantuka, East Nusa Tenggara, Monday (22/8)
The purpose of this collaboration is to provide transportation modes to and from passenger terminals in a number of port cities that PELNI ships pass through
KM Kelimutu, a passenger ship owned by PT PELNI (Persero) which was assigned to transport tourists trapped in bad weather arrived at Legon Bajak Harbor, Karimun Jawa, Tuesday (27/12) evening
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) noted that as many as eight PELNI ship trips experienced delays due to bad weather during the Christmas and New Year 2023 periods.
Passengers of PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) in the middle of the third quarter of 2020 recorded an increase of 314% compared to the previous quarter.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT Pelni (Persero) increases the inspection of passenger luggage when boarding the ship.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT Pelni (Persero) scheduled six passenger ships to get annual maintenance this March.
PT PELNI (Persero) is currently preparing itself for the implementation of "New Normal Life
A total of 25 crew members consisting of 21 crew (ABK) and 4 partners working in KM Lambelu are now showing good health developments.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia OR PT PELNI (Persero) sent relief goods to victims of floods and landslides in Serasan District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) predicts the number of passengers will reach 604,183 during the Eid 1444 H year 2023 transportation period.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) ensures that KM Sinabung is ready to succeed in holding the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, NTT, 6-12 Ma
PT PELNI (Persero) again appeals to people who want to go home on the PELNI Ship to immediately order tickets. Purchase of PELNI Ship tickets until H-1 Eid 1444 H has sold over 50 percent.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) dispatched 150 travelers for free from the Nusantara Passenger Terminal of Tanjung Priok Port using KM Dorolonda for Jakarta-Batam destinations.
President Director of PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) won an award from Iconomics as Best CEO 2020 In Shipping Category
PT PELNI (Persero) conducted mangrove planting and beach cleanup activities at the South Kesunean Beach, Cirebon, on Friday (27/12).
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) guarantees that pioneer ship services in the East Java region during the Eid 2023 transportation period will run smoothly.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or PT PELNI announced the adjustment of ticket rates for passenger and pioneer ships that apply nationally
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or PT PELNI has announced an adjustment in ticket rates for passenger and pioneer ships that apply nationally, including the Semarang area, Central Java.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or PELNI through the Environmental Social Responsibility Program (TJSL) sent hundreds of Papuan students
PT PELNI (Persero) welcomed a visit from the Coordinating Minister Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) - PELNI is ready to support the Government in advancing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. T
PT PELNI (Persero) again announced that KM Lambelu was declared free of Covid 19. This was indicated by the decrease in the yellow flag on the ship on Sunday (10/5).
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or PT PELNI has announced an adjustment in ticket rates for passenger and pioneer ships that apply nationally, including the Batam area.
Three PELNI cargo ships are for sale starting at IDR 6 billion
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or PT PELNI announced the adjustment of ticket rates for passenger and pioneer ships that apply nationally, including the Jayapura area.
Open to all national and regional journalists, lecturers and students
To anticipate the surge of passengers, PELNI reminds the public to purchase tickets through the PELNI Mobile App.
To anticipate the surge of passengers, PELNI reminds the public to purchase tickets through the PELNI Mobile App.
Considering the limited quota, PELNI hopes that the public can immediately register.
Considering the limited quota, PELNI hopes that the public can immediately register.
PT PELNI (Persero), through its CSR program, has inaugurated an Independent Village in Sukanagalih Village, Cianjur, West Java.
A total of 163 people who have received full compensation from PELNI are now employees at PELNI Hospital without any reduction in rights and obligations.
A total of 163 people who have received full compensation from PELNI are now employees at PELNI Hospital without any reduction in rights and obligations.
The presence of a smooth telecommunications network during sailing makes the return trip on a PELNI ship more fun and always connected.
The presence of a smooth telecommunications network during sailing makes the return trip on a PELNI ship more fun and always connected.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) held a national talkshow entitled "PELNI's Opportunities and Challenges: Answering Customer Needs and Wants in the Social Media Era".
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) is trying to ensure that all its ships can meet the schedule at every port they stop at.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) is trying to ensure that all its ships can meet the schedule at every port they stop at.
PT PELNI (Persero) departed 315 participants of the Fun Homecoming Program with BUMN 2024 from Balikpapan to Surabaya.
PT PELNI (Persero) has again dispatched KM Dobonsolo for Free Homecoming for Motorcycles by Ship.
Considering the limited capacity of KM Sabuk Nusantara 92 which will transport free homecoming travelers, the Sumenep Regency Government responded by providing additional free homecoming transportation.
PT PELNI (Persero) inaugurated the construction of biogas digesters at several local cattle farms in Kupang.
PT PELNI (Persero) transported 2,037 motorcycle travelers and 876 motorcycles on the PELNI ship KM Dobonsolo from Jakarta to Semarang
PT PELNI (Persero) predicts that the peak of homecoming travel and the Nataru holiday will occur on H-6 or December 19, 2024.
PT PELNI (Persero) has recorded that it has sold 399,806 tickets up to D-1 of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H/2024
PT PELNI (Persero) has served 304,160 passengers during the homecoming period of PELNI ships which took place from March 26 to April 11, 2024.
PT PELNI (Persero) announced changes to the KM Lawit route which will exchange with the KM Kelimutu route starting January 2025.
PT PELNI (Persero) has received the ESG Award Anugerah Avirama Nawasena, organized by the School of Business and Management of ITB, for the category of Sustainable Product Innovation.
PT PELNI (Persero) is preparing to serve the return flow for the assignment of free transportation for motorcycles from Semarang to Jakarta.
PT PELNI (Persero) is preparing to serve the return flow for the assignment of free transportation for motorcycles from Semarang to Jakarta.
PELNI is committed to always providing excellent service in accordance with Company Standards.
The first wave of return flow in the 2024 Free Motorcycle Homecoming Program by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation with KM Dobonsolo owned by PT PELNI (Persero) on the Semarang - Jakarta route has arrived at Tanjung Priok Port.
PT PELNI (Persero) has again won the trust of the Government through the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation to carry out the assignment of the Sea Toll Program for the 2025 Budget Year.
The second wave of return flow in the 2024 Free Motorcycle Homecoming Program with KM Dobonsolo owned by PT PELNI (Persero) on the Semarang - Jakarta route will depart from Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang.
The second wave of return flow in the 2024 Free Motorcycle Homecoming Program with KM Dobonsolo owned by PT PELNI (Persero) arrived at Tanjung Priok Port.
The second wave of return flow in the 2024 Free Motorcycle Homecoming Program with KM Dobonsolo owned by PT PELNI (Persero) arrived at Tanjung Priok Port.
In connection with the repairs due to the incident experienced by KM Bukit Raya some time ago, passengers from Pontianak to Surabaya will be transported using KM Lawit.
In connection with the repairs due to the incident experienced by KM Bukit Raya some time ago, passengers from Pontianak to Surabaya will be transported using KM Lawit.
PT PELNI (Persero) reported serving 551,383 passengers during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year transport period, an 8.7% increase from the projected 507,054 passengers.
PT PELNI (Persero) informs of a fire incident experienced by KM Umsini while docking at Soekarno-Hatta Port, Makassar.
PT PELNI appreciates the joint team from the Harbor Master's Office and Port Authority, Pelindo, Lamtamal TNI AL, police and Makassar City Fire Department in handling the KM Umsini.
Based on the test results, there were 16 crew members who showed reactive results. Now 16 people have been taken to the PELNI Hospital for further examination.
Management will continue to monitor the healthy development of KM Bukit Raya crew
PT PELNI (Persero) has distributed scholarship funds for outstanding students from Surabaya Polytechnic of Shipping.
PT PELNI (Persero) has distributed scholarship funds for outstanding students from Surabaya Polytechnic of Shipping.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) ensures that passenger services carrying tourists leaving Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara are running smoothly.
PT PELNI (Persero) successfully recorded a total of 5,095,306 passengers traveling across PELNI routes throughout 2024.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) will adjust the routes of its passenger ships following the closure of Komodo International Airport, Labuan Bajo
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) held a series of workshops to increase awareness of shipping safety on passenger ships.
Tri Andayani, President Director of PT PELNI (Persero), won the detikcom Awards 2024 for the category "Female Figures in Service Business Transformation."
In order to commemorate World Mental Health Day, Srikandi PELNI held a mental health seminar and workshop with the topic “Mental Health Recovery: Sharing is Caring”
PT PELNI (Persero) has announced route modifications for eleven passenger ships in 2025.
PT PELNI (Persero) has temporarily stopped the operations of KM Umsini following a fire incident at the Port of Makassar.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) has equipped all its passenger ships with marine evacuation system or MES safety equipment.
PT PELNI (Persero) was assigned by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation during the XXI PON Aceh
PT PELNI (Persero) was assigned by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation during the XXI PON Aceh
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) received an assignment from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation to support religious activities in the Biak area, Papua.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) received an assignment from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation to support religious activities in the Biak area, Papua.
PT PELNI (Persero), announces that one of its passenger ships, KM Dobonsolo, will undergo docking in Jakarta from January 20 to February 9.
PT PELNI (Persero) apologized to all passengers and prospective customers affected by the KM Umsini fire incident.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) pays attention to equalizing the quality of education by providing financial assistance for the construction of a Catholic priest candidate education building in the Sentani area, Papua.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) ensures that it is ready to undergo a ramp check conducted by the port authority.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero) urges PELNI ship customers to immediately plan their trips during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year (Nataru) holiday season.